Recordings of selected Second Hours:
March 31, 2019: The Age of Quantum Entanglement with Louisa Gilder (video)
March 24, 2019: Sex and Gender 101 with Drew Herzig (video)
February 17, 2019: Religion and Science with Professor George Dreyfus (video)
December 2, 2018: State of the Refugee Crisis with “No Lost Generation” (video)
November 4, 2018: The Witness of Howard Thurman with Professor James Manigault-Bryant (video)
October 28, 2018: Spirit, Mothering, and the Black Freedom Movement with Professor Rachel Harding (video)
September 23, 2018: Conversation on Immigration with Professor Scott Wong and Setsuko Winchester (video)
May 20, 2018: Reverend Jim Antal on Climate Church, Climate World (video)
April 8, 2018: March for Our Lives Mt. Greylock Regional High School Panel (video)
November 5, 2017: Luther’s Revolutionary Children with Dr. Peter Starenko (video)
October 29, 2017: Luther After 500 Years with Dr. Peter Starenko (video)
March 5, 2017: The Making of a Racist with Professor Charles Dew (video)
November 6, 2016: Religion and the Environment: Sacred and Secular Space with Professor Nicolas Howe (video)
October 23, 2016: The Word Became Flesh: How to Read the Gospel of John with Professor Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre (video)
May 15, 2016: Early New England Church Architecture with Professor Michael Lewis (video)
April 24, 2016: The Gospel of Mark and Utopian Social Dreaming with Professor Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre (video)
April 10, 2016: Beyond the Paris Climate Agreements with Professor Bill Moomaw (video)
November 14, 2015: Williamstown Historical Museum Presents: First Church & Williamstown: 250 Years Together with Moira Jones (video)
May 10, 2015: Moving Towards a Sustainable Meetinghouse with Jim Nail (video)
March 1, 2015: Divest/Re-Invest: Fossil Fuel Free Panel Discussion (video)
February 22, 2015: Divest: Dispatch from the Faith Community and the Legislative Frontlines with Reverend Jim Antal and Massachusetts State Senator Ben Downing (video)
January 25, 2015: Williamstown 1765: The New World Frontier with Professor Sam Edgerton (video)
October 19, 2014: Catholic Response in Art to the Protestant Reformation with Professor Zirka Filipczak (video)
February 9, 2014: Moses in Deuteronomy with Professor Edan Dekel (video)
January 12, 2014: Moses in Exodus Part I with Professor Edan Dekel (video)
December 8, 2013: Is the “End of Time” at Hand? with Professor Glenn Shuck (video)
November 10, 2013: Hoosick River Restoration with Judy Grinnell (video)
September 15, 2013: 50th Anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing with Professor Stewart Burns (video)
May 12, 2013: Religion and the Arab Spring with Professor Magnus Bernhardsson (video)
May 5, 2013: The Current Crisis of Authority within Catholicism with President Emeritus Frank Oakley (video)
April 7, 2013: The Parables of Jesus in Contemporary Settings, Part 3 with Dr. Richard Q. Ford (video)
March 24, 2013: The Parables of Jesus in Contemporary Settings, Part 2 with Dr. Richard Q. Ford (video)
March 17, 2013: The Parables of Jesus in Contemporary Settings, Part 1 with Dr. Richard Q. Ford (video)
March 3, 2013: God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 2 with Professor Edan Dekel (video)
February 24, 2013: God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 1 with Professor Edan Dekel (video)
February 10, 2013: The Keystone XL Pipeline: Environmental Concerns with Bill McKnight and Professor Sarah Jacobson (video)
January 27, 2013: Identifying Indian Religion with Professor Sam Crane (video)
January 13 or 20, 2013: The Invention of Religion in Japan with Professor Jason Josephson (video)
January 6, 2013: Religions and Cultures in China with Professor Sam Crane (video)
December 9, 2012: Catholicism 101: The Impact of Vatican II with Fr. Gary Caster (video)
November 11, 2012: Catholicism 101: Before and After the Reformation with Fr. Gary Caster (video)
November 4, 2012: Catholicism 101: The Formation of catholic Christianity with Fr. Gary Caster (video)