Prayer Breakfast for Peace

First Congregational Church, Williamstown 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, United States

You are invited to a Community-Wide Prayer Breakfast! Are you feeling like your right and Democracy are under attack? Come share you concerns and learn about what you can do.


First Congregational Church, Williamstown 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, United States

Our Sunday worship gathering is the spiritual center of our life together. Through music, Scripture, preaching, and all-ages programs, we congregate to inspire our lives towards God’s way of love


First Congregational Church, Williamstown 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, United States

Our Sunday worship gathering is the spiritual center of our life together. Through music, Scripture, preaching, and all-ages programs, we congregate to inspire our lives towards God’s way of love


First Congregational Church, Williamstown 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, United States

Our Sunday worship gathering is the spiritual center of our life together. Through music, Scripture, preaching, and all-ages programs, we congregate to inspire our lives towards God’s way of love

The Philosophy of Belief Discussions led by Kyle Tong

First Congregational Church, Williamstown 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, United States

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff Group 1 Session: 10 a.m. – Parlor Group 2 Session: 7 p.m. – Parlor Readers first pick up this book thinking any connections